About Kirsten

Kirsten creates in photography, painting and mixed media from her farm in wild, wonderful West Virginia. Her explorations are linked by the search for “the soul of a space, the space of a soul” as opposed to stylistic homogeny.
That “soul” may best shine through photographs shot through a lens of ice, bold color tossed by exuberant brushstrokes, or spontaneous wordplay.
Kirsten comes to art with an unconventional, self-directed background. A lifelong career training horses, teaching their humans and tending to the land taught Kirsten observation, appreciation of essence, communication and stewardship.
These both inform and are often central subjects of her art. Her BS in Biology/ Geology provided understanding the natural world as it is-and how it could be. Her BA in Comparative Religion trained her to honor the numinous and uniquely appreciate the human experience.
She interprets environments and creates fresh images with an artist’s eye, a scientist’s mind and a poet’s heart, while sharing the experience with a teacher’s generosity.
Kirsten’s work is often seen in locally and nationally juried exhibitions, and in group and solo shows. Her two 177″x36″ mosaic designs sparkle on local park bridges as anchors of a community arts installation.
Her successfully funded Kickstarter Campaign, Picture Wild Ponies, looks at wild horse management on public lands by focusing an artistic and literary lens at the Assateague and Chincoteague pony herds.
She was awarded a Puffin Foundation artist’s grant in 2019. She earned Professional Development Grants from West Virginia Department of Art, Culture and History, the West Virginia commission on the arts and the National Endowment for the Arts in 2020.
She is a member in good standing of the Appalachian Pastel League and the Berkeley Arts Council, and is a board member of the Jefferson Arts Council.