Commissioned Art

These pieces now hang in private collections.  Please contact us for availability of works in styles that make your heart sing, or to collaborate with your visions for personal commissions.

Fresh Start: 16×20 Acrylic on canvas

SkySong Blue: 16×20 Acrylic on canvas


Chestnut Mare: 5×7 Oil on canvas panel


Leonardo’s Kaleidoscope:  8×10 Mixed Media on canvas

Homecoming: 18×25 Pastel and Ink on paper

Far Sea King: 16×20 Acrylic on paper

We Three: 18×24 Acrylic on watercolor paper

I’m so excited I can’t stand it! I don’t usually frame pieces since it is such a matter of individual taste, but something sent me through the driving rain to Howard’s on Small Business Saturday.  Remember Howard’s?  (if not, check my blog!) They run the amazing Art for the Animals fundraiser each year.  From one small, independent business to another, I love to support them! Well. I’m beyond thrilled with how they treated We Three, one of my own personal favorites, with a bright yellow inner matt to make the colors pop, a soft grey outer matt to keep the focus on the image, not the surroundings, and a gorgeous, textured “oxblood” colored frame reminiscent of well worn and loved saddle leather. And the non-glare, antistatic poly “glass” makes all the difference in the world!

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24×48 Photographic Triptych on Canvas, $430

“The Gifting Tree” gets her own category.  She is a photo triptych on canvas, the result blurring the line between painting and photograph. She is gallery wrapped, with the image continuing around the edges of the supports, making framing not only unnecessary but undesireable (to my taste, any way!)

“The Gifting Tree” was accepted into the highly competitive “Photo 18” exhibit and WON Honorable Mention!    I hesitate to offer this piece for sale, but I have the tree herself as a dramatic, flamboyant and loyal presence in my day-to-day life.  It’s time for this image to light up a new space in the world!


FeatherLight:  8×10 Mixed Media on canvas, Distressed wood frame


Untitled: 9×12 Pastel on paper

SkySong Seeking II: 5×7 Acrylic on canvas panel

Poème de Chevaux: 5×5 Mixed Media on canvas panel, $45


Marsh Morn: 5×7 Oil on canvas panel

Taj Passage: 24×48 Acrylic on canvas

Untitled: 8×8 Acrylic on canvas panel

Aslan: 5×5 Pastel on paper

Munchkin Repose: 5×7 Mixed media on canvas panel

Freedom Flight: 16×20 Acrylic on Canvas

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