Moving On

“Aslan’s” new owner picked the perfect frame for this wild-maned little pastel! When she picked him up, freshly matted and framed, “Munchkin” was up on the computer, ready for upload. The buyer instantly fell in love and insisted on...


When it’s all too terrible for words, color steps up to express the ineffable.  Give some extra grace and compassion.  Suicide sucks. Godspeed, Kiddo….

Breathe deep… make marks

Turned the calendar page… And another chapter in this crazy life. Time to get back to mark making… (Pastel on paper, reference photo with permission from Margaret Townsend.)

“Art for the Animals” Opening

Terrific fun at the Art for the Animals Reception in Hagerstown , MD! I ended up talking Halflingers to a fellow artist/equestrian.  We just barely managed to NOT bring home Idgie the amazingly adorable (and adoptable!) spokespuppy for For Otis’ Sake, the...